Making Money Matter

EP 70: Beginning to Dream again

Julie Leduc Season 1 Episode 70

Tune into this week's episode with Julie and Pam as they discuss dreaming big! As you look at your life you may ask yourself am I where I want to be? What kind of future do I want for myself? What attainable goals do I wish to strive for? Julie and Pam dive into the key components that will get you where you want to be. Highlighting  making a goal list, being specific, working on yourself continuously whether that may be physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially. Create your goals, and visualize what your life looks like once those goals are achieved. If your goal is to walk 10,000 steps daily, attended church more regularly, pay off your debts, or save for the  indoor pool you've always wanted. Write it down, hold yourself accountable. Every decision you make brings your closer or further from where you want to be. Dream big, and know its all achievable. 

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